Introduce your children to music through interactive music activities
Invite professional RockSchool music teachers to your home or rented space
Give your child a unique experience where everyone celebrates with lots of music, dancing and laughter
- Our joyful team consisting of a host and two professional tutors arrives at your home or rented space 30 minutes before the official start of the party.
- The host is present throughout the event organises the games, karaoke, and entertainment for the guests, as well as making sure everything follows the pre-agreed plan.
- Teachers bring musical instruments of your choice, which all guests will have the opportunity to see and try under their guidance. Duration 1 hour.
- As a gift from us, each birthday guest receives a voucher for a free lesson at RockSchool.
Magician - add an illusionist and made his party unforgettable. Kids love magic tricks! We work with the best professionals in Sofia at a price for 1-hour show of 210lv.
Catering - choose your sweet and savoury treats directly from our partners at 100 grams of sweets and we will make sure they are ordered and delivered on time.
Photographer - capture the most exciting moments of the celebration with professional photos for 55lv.
Video memory - save the best moments of the celebration, filmed and edited by us including appropriate music. See examples HERE, HERE and HERE.
Music Teacher - Add extra music tutors to the party for for 45lv. per hour.
- Band Concert - There's nothing better for a real party than live music! You can add a musical band to your birthday party that will take over the home "stage" for 30 minutes and perform a great set. Live music will bring heaps of positive emotions to all your guests and make your celebration even more unforgettable! The price for 30 minutes is 100lv.
You can give all your guests specially prepared invitations. Check out and print the file HERE.
- Choose your birthday date and time using our booking form.
- Pay a deposit of 100lv. within 3 days of making the booking, otherwise it will be automatically cancelled.
The cost of a home party for children is 300lv for 3 hours with two teachers and a host. This time includes technical preparations before and after the event. All additional services are optional and paid separately