Book a lesson


Lessons can be attended by:
Beginners and advanced of all ages

55 minutes

The first lesson is paid on the spot and is at half price - BGN 15. Each next lesson is prepaid and costs BGN 30.

Work time:
Every day (including Saturday and Sunday) from 10:00 to 22:00.

Lesson cancelation:
If you do not cancel a lesson at least 1 day in advance, the lesson is paid

Online Lessons:
We offer opportunities for distance learning.

Special offers

  • If you want to make someone happy with an original, educational and inspiring gift - buy a voucher for a music lesson. Give Music!

    Buy Voucher
  • If you bring a friend to RockSchool and he becomes our student, as a token of gratitude we give you a free lesson

    Invite Friend
  • For people in a disadvantaged or at-risk environment, we provide absolutely free lessons, as well as full scholarships for intensive music training.

    Learn more
  • Запиши урок за двама ученика в един час на цена от 36 лв. Резервирай семеен урок с твоя партньор или деца в рамките на една седмица за 40 лв.

    Book lesson
  • Ако предплатиш 10 урока - получаваш 1 безплатен. А с годишна карта за един или два урока на седмица - спестявяш до 30% от цената на предплатените уроци.

    Buy card

People Love RockSchool

Support us

"Music for Bulgaria" is a public benefit foundation. We are here to support the music scene and everyone who wants to develop their musical potential. Any donation goes for the improvement and expansion of our current music projects and for the realization of new ideas. Thanks to everyone who supports us.
or with bank transfer

RockSchool Newsletter

Keep up to date with the latest releases, news and events from RockSchool by signing up below


Address: 89 Hristo Botev blvd, Sofia

Phone: +359 887 666622


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