The flute is one of the most ancient musical instruments. The flute impresses with its gentle timbre and specific expressive sound. Possessing significant technical and artistic capabilities, the flute has long been a permanent member of the symphony and mixed brass band. Although most popular in classical music, the flute is often featured in jazz, rock, pop, and other styles of music. Sounds good with the guitar, piano, harp. At RockSchool, we believe that everyone needs to express themselves and can learn to do so with the help of flute music lessons.
Lessons can be attended by:
Beginners and advanced of all ages
55 minutes
The first lesson is paid on the spot and is at half price - BGN 15.
Each next lesson is prepaid and costs BGN 30.
Work time:
Every day (including Saturday and Sunday) from 10:00 to 22:00.
Lesson cancelation:
If you do not cancel a lesson at least 1 day in advance, the lesson is paid
Online Lessons:
We offer opportunities for distance learning.
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Исках да опитам нещо различно и нестандартно. Свирил съм на пиано преди време, наскоро пробвах и уроците по барабани. Въобще, реших да експериментирам и да разширя музикалните си познания. Флейтата ми се стори предизвикателство,и така се оказа. За късмет учителят беше изключително търпелив и старателен.
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