How long have you been making music and how did you decide to start?
I really wanted to play when I was little and my 14th birthday present was a guitar lesson. It all started from there.
What song do you remember most vividly from your childhood?
Signal - ,,Maybe". Bulgarian rock music in general.
Who are the artists you have listened to and played the most?
I started with the lighter version of rock music. Then I heard Metallica for the first time and for a year I was mainly into their work. After that I got into more modern styles- Progressive Metal, Math Rock. Metal is my passion, but I try to be versed in every style of music.
Which musical style are you most advanced in?
Metal music and all its subgenres.
What does music give you?
Calmness, adrenaline, satisfaction. The feeling that I can achieve anything I want.
Why did you decide to start teaching music?
Because I want to be able to pass on what music brings for me to others.
What is the most important thing to learn in music?
Desire, perseverance and patience.
What is RockSchool to you?
A place where you can do what you love without worry. A place to have fun as well as do serious work.
What music is valuable to you?
The one that makes you move your body.
What's the most extravagant thing you've listened to lately?
Mixing folk music of all nationalities with metal.
Do you have a dream related to music?
To never let music leave me, nor I it, so I can one day step on the big stage.